To be allowed to work for such a world renowned company for so many years and so intensly, means to get to know a piece of the world. Hundreds of encounters with different cultures, economic sectors and through all hierarchy levels. Countless exciting conversations wearing hard hats, while on machinery, during shared travels, in offices, in laboratories, in photo studios or during a shared dinner together after a job successfully being done.
Henkel has helped me to understand the world a bit better. To understand connections and to anticipate differences between cultures, but also that you can function/work together through all challenges.
Because all Henkel employees worldwide have one thing in common beside diversity and that is that they are great people.
But that alone does not make the client of the decade. My client of the decade is asking me, when I am talking about my sick wife, why I did not simply bring my toddler to the advertising-shoot. My client of the decade is discussing appointments with me instead of demanding them. The CEO of my client of the decade surprises my assistant after the board portrait with a high five in passing to say thank you. My client of the decade is working with me and is giving me the feeling to be more than than a simple service provider. He appreciates my work and understands me as a person and family man.
My client of the decade has as many faces as employees und feels like a good friend every day for whom you would give it your all.
Thank you Henkel
…and thanks to all my Assistants for traveling and working with me during all these projects. Especially to: Andy Franz, Felix Albertin, Mareike Sonnenschein, Philip Pauke, Darian Weiß, Philip Bartz, Sebastian Dorbrietz, Ricardo Wiesinger und Aristidis Schnelzer…